Grow Hemp

Expert Hemp Growing Consultations and Premium Hemp Seed Supply – Broadleaf Hemp

Are you a farmer interested in growing hemp and diversifying your crop portfolio for increased profitability and climate resilience? Broadleaf Hemp is Australia’s leading provider of hemp growing consultations and high-quality hemp seed supply. Our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way, from assessing your farm’s suitability to providing premium seed varieties that maximize yield and sustainability.

Why Start a Hemp Farm with Broadleaf Hemp?

Hemp is a resilient, fast-growing crop that offers substantial benefits for Australian farmers. With its ability to restore soil health, sequester carbon, and thrive in diverse climates, hemp is an ideal addition to any crop rotation. At Broadleaf Hemp, we provide farmers with the resources, knowledge, and support to ensure successful hemp cultivation, tailored to Australia’s unique agricultural landscape.

Benefits of Growing Hemp

  • Climate Resilience: Hemp is drought-tolerant and requires less water than many traditional crops, making it suitable for Australian farming conditions.
  • Soil Regeneration: As a phytoremediator, hemp helps restore soil health, increasing biodiversity and soil fertility.
  • High Market Demand: Hemp has over 26,000 uses, including hempcrete, animal bedding, food, and cosmetics, creating strong demand in both domestic and global markets.
  • Carbon Sequestration: Hemp absorbs carbon dioxide as it grows, helping to offset emissions and support sustainable farming practices.

Hemp Growing Consultations for Australian Farmers

Broadleaf Hemp offers expert hemp growing consultations to help farmers understand the full potential of hemp cultivation. Our team brings years of experience in regenerative agriculture and hemp farming, offering tailored advice and practical solutions to maximize your farm’s productivity.

Our Hemp Growing Consultation Services Include:

  • Farm Assessment: We conduct an in-depth analysis of your farm’s soil, climate, and infrastructure to determine its suitability for hemp cultivation.
  • Licensing Assistance: Our team helps you navigate Australia’s hemp licensing requirements, ensuring your farm is compliant with all regulations.
  • Custom Farming Plans: We design a hemp farming plan tailored to your specific goals, whether you’re interested in hemp for fibre, seed, or other uses.
  • Ongoing Support: Broadleaf Hemp provides continuous support throughout the growing season, including advice on soil management, irrigation, and harvesting.

Ready to Get Started?
Click Here to Become a Hemp Farmer
Contact us at: | +61 0439 102 626

Premium Hemp Seed Supply for Australian Farmers

Broadleaf Hemp supplies high-quality hemp seeds specifically chosen for Australia’s climate. Our premium seed varieties are carefully selected to provide optimal yields, disease resistance, and adaptability to various growing conditions. By choosing Broadleaf Hemp’s seeds, you’re investing in a resilient crop that contributes to soil health and supports sustainable agriculture.

Our Hemp Seed Varieties

  • Fibre Varieties: For farmers interested in producing hemp fibre for construction materials, textiles, and animal bedding. These varieties are fast-growing and ideal for large-scale projects.
  • Seed Varieties: Perfect for producing high-nutrient hemp seeds for food products, oils, and protein powders. These seeds are optimized for high yields and oil content.
  • Dual-Purpose Varieties: Our dual-purpose seeds allow farmers to harvest both fibre and seeds, maximizing the versatility and profitability of each crop.

Order Premium Hemp Seeds Today
Our team will help you choose the right hemp seed variety based on your goals, soil type, and climate conditions.

How to Qualify for Hemp Farming with Broadleaf Hemp

We are committed to helping Australian farmers transition to sustainable and profitable hemp farming. To ensure that your farm is ready for hemp cultivation, please fill out our Farm Checklist. This checklist helps us assess your farm’s potential as a premium hemp-growing location and determine the best approach for your specific needs.

Fill in Our Farm Checklist to See if Your Farm Qualifies
Our team will review your checklist and get back to you with a customized plan to start your journey in hemp farming.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Growing Hemp in Australia

Q: What is required to start a hemp farm in Australia?
A: Growing hemp in Australia requires a license from the appropriate state authority. Broadleaf Hemp assists farmers in navigating these regulatory requirements to ensure compliance.

Q: How much water does hemp need compared to traditional crops?
A: Hemp uses about one-third of the water required for traditional grains and significantly less than other high-protein crops, making it ideal for water-conservation farming.

Q: Can hemp improve soil health?
A: Yes, hemp is a natural phytoremediator, meaning it can absorb pollutants and restore essential nutrients to the soil, making it a powerful tool in regenerative agriculture.

Q: What are the market opportunities for hemp in Australia?
A: The demand for hemp products is rising, with applications in construction (hempcrete), animal care (hemp bedding), food, cosmetics, and more. This creates profitable opportunities for Australian farmers.

Q: Does Broadleaf Hemp provide support throughout the growing season?
A: Absolutely. Our team is available for consultation at every stage, from planting to harvest, offering guidance on best practices for hemp cultivation.

Contact Broadleaf Hemp – Start Your Hemp Farming Journey

If you’re ready to diversify your farm with sustainable, profitable hemp, Broadleaf Hemp is here to support you with premium seeds and expert consultations. Let us help you make the transition to hemp and join the future of regenerative agriculture.


If you are a farmer and would like to grow hemp to diversify your crop portfolio for financial and climate security please fill in our checklist and our team will get back to you ASAP.


gday [at]

Phone: +61 0476 247 932 (Australia)