Australian Hemp Food and Fiber Company – Broadleaf Hemp

Hemp Fiber


Hemp fibre is obtained from the stringy outer jacket of the cannabis stalk. Hemp fibre is one of, if not, the strongest fibre on Earth. Hemp fibre processing is a relatively difficult and time consuming task. Once the technology for hemp fibre production comes online in Australia we will see the opening up of large scale jobs and sustainable hemp industries. Broadleaf Hemp is doing our part to open up the Australian hemp fibre market.


Hemp is the gateway to infinite potential. From the hemp plant can come over 25,000 different products! It’s almost hard to believe how versatile the plant is. Humanities relationship to industrial hemp does back over 10,000 years and looks like it will continue long into the future…


Hemp as a clothing is comfortable, breathable and durable. The old saying goes ; “You don’t wear hemp out, you wear hemp in”. This seems to be true as the original Levi Strauss jeans were made of Hemp and are still in existence today, having been made in the 1800’s. Hemp fibre clothing presents a comfortable, sustainable alternative to traditional fibre crops such as cotton which are less environmentally sound.